Heroes For Hire has been updated to!

Note: Some of these changes were present in


- Ventura now has some slightly better fashion sense.

Other Changes:

- Added some advice.

- When on variable speed, the game will now speed up if every available hero is relaxing.

- Added a system to encourage heroes to fall back to a proper sleep schedule if it is off.

- Trying to create a popup that can't be created now puts the existing one at the top of the popup priority.

- The game will now always start on variable time.

- Rewrote some popups to make it clearer how they work.

- Delayed and finished projects no longer appear on the schedule.

- Orders now unlock after 5 raids instead of after 6.

- It is now possible to grab hero equipment directly from the hero list.

- The order in which advice appears in the list has been tweaked.

- Tweaked the project list popup to be more informative.

- Changed the order in which advice appears in the advisor list, some of the entries have been tweaked to appear at better times, too.

- The guide now shows when you don't have enough items in the item storage to make an item.

- It is now possible to make more than one request popup at once.

- Some of the pathfinding was not using a failsafe for dungeon navigation to prevent loops, and now it does.

- Hovering over items now gives the base price of the item rather than the value of the commodity index.


- Heroes are now more impacted by mood and exhaustion while in raids.

- Tweaked the attack accuracy ratio.

- Heroes now take dramatically less damage when moving around while shocked. (Used to deal 20% of your health per step, now deals 6%.)

- Heroes now dislike working when tired less, but working overtime more.

- Heroes will now go idle when their shift starts.

- Heroes will no longer stop relaxing when bored, but the boredom penalty has been increased to compensate.

- Heroes will now restore a slight amount of energy when relaxing.

- The bank will now only charge you $300 dollars when it opens for the first time.

- Enemy health in raids is now based on number of heroes in the raid.

- Refined materials are no longer dropped by enemies, but can be rewards from material chests still.

- Relics now have a small chance to drop from rare item chests.

- Changed how overtime works. Now, the penalties come in one chunk rather than every hour.

- Re-reduced the amount of time heroes have to be relaxing to be considered bored.

- Reputation will now decay and drop slower.

- Higher level ores and wood are now more common from raids.

- Effective levels for heroes are now based on guild halls and reputation as well.

- Webs, silk, sand and glass have been increased in price.

- The amount of energy heroes can regenerate is now clamped based on the comfy level of a room. This amount is higher than what you'd normally get from sleeping.

- Reduced the amount of enemies that spawn per raid, and keys will now have as many enemies as there are heroes in the raid instead of always having two. (Except for bosses and 4 hero raids, of course.)

- When enemies and heroes miss, their cooldown time is now lower.

Shop Requirements have been reduced for some shops.

- Apothecary: Now requires 0.20 comfy rating, down from 0.25.

- Builder: Now requires 0.15 beauty rating and 0.15 fun rating.

- Interior Designer: Now requires 2 beds instead of 3.

- Lumberjack: Now requires 0.3 fun instead of 0.45 beauty.

- Miner: Now requires 0.3 beauty instead of 0.45 beauty.

Bug Fixes:

- Raid maps for Gladius and Major Mimic fights no longer break and softlock the game. Tournaments may have been broken in the same way as they use a similar system.

- Fixed some oddities with colour.

- Fixed a potential crash caused by the staff skill.

- Sharpening a weapon that's pristine will no longer revert it back to well-made quality. Sharpening was also giving different bonuses depending how the weapon was sharpened, and that has been fixed.

- Fixed a crash caused by hovering over the skill icons.

- You can no longer sharpen hero equipment with items that aren't sharpening stones.


HeroesForHireDemoDay60.zip 22 MB
58 days ago

Get Heroes For Hire - Demo


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- Added some hero thoughts.

Other Changes:

- When hover text is going to go off screen, the alignment has been changed not to cover stuff up.


- Reduced how much the apothecary charges from 1.8x to 1.5x the base cost of the item.

- Missing out on an order no longer impacts the guild's reputation as much.

- Heroes are now less likely to wake up off shift.

- Increased base exp gained while raiding slightly.

Bug Fixes:

- Some bold text misalignment issues have been fixed.

- Shops out of town have been fixed for real when pinned.

- Fixed some incorrect text.

- Dragging equipment out of the shop pin's tabs will no longer create fake equipment.

- Fixed some more z-fighting issues in the 3D guild hall viewer. - Next Fest Patch


- Added some missing hover tooltips.

Other Changes:

- Players will now be warned when a hero is starting work early.

- New players will now be asked what language they want to use during the first time setup again.

- Fixed some of the "Clean" text scaling and positioning.


- Reverted the last patch's change to the resource rooms, but slightly reduced the amount of resources heroes will gather.

- Waking up a hero off shift no longer impacts hero happiness as much, mood is still impacted the same however.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an issue where the scrollbar on the menu would move to decimal values and ultimately break everything.

- Fixed some strange edge cases with the optional speedup that was making it not activate when it should have been.

- Fixed a crash caused by starting a tournament battle. This may have been causing issues in boss fights as well. The text on the tournament battle was broken too, but it wasn't possible to load so this wouldn't have been seen anyways.

- Fixed some odd text highlighting issues.

- Fixed a glitch where shopkeepers out of town would still have their shops shown on shop pins.

- Fixed some Z fighting issues with the 3D guild hall view.


- Added some slight variation to the hit effects during raids.

- Highlighted important information in the text box during raids.

- Added a request indicator to the hero info pin.

- Added a prompt as to when to manually start the variable time speedup, this will activate when heroes are all tired, relaxing or busy.

Other Changes:

- Added some missing localization strings.

- The dungeon list tutorial now uses the new system, forgot to convert this one.

- It is no longer possible to interact with stuff on the desktop through popups.

- Tutorial wording has been slightly changed up to be more clear.


- Slightly reduced the amount of resource nodes in dungeons.

- Enemies will now drop more slime on Slime Day.

- The scarab swarm enemy will now spawn scarabs slower.

Bug Fixes:

- Advice pins will no longer be saved as item storage popups.

- Fixed a couple broken interactions with the advice pin.

- Fixed a glitch where Gladius wasn't showing up properly.

- Fixed an issue where far too many shopkeepers would show up in the 3D section of the guild hall and was likely causing slowdowns.

- Sending a hero off to relax no longer totally wipes their energy.


- Added a pin for tips.

Other Changes:

- Starting wages are now psuedo-random.

- The "Did You Know?" tip no longer counts as a tip.

- Changed the "Night" colour theme up a little bit.


- Reduced the attack cooldown inflicted when frozen.

Bug Fixes:

- Services will now show up in the guild hall occupancy viewer again.

- When services did show up in the guild hall, it was possible to double click to open up their shop.

- The hero list was showing the expected wages for heroes, not the actual current wage.

- Fixed an issue where dragging an empty crafting slot would create a glitched item.

- Finishing the shop list tutorial will now actually finish it.


- Added a section for wages to the hero list.

Other Changes:

- Changed how shop generation works slightly. The order in which shopkeepers stay in the room is now randomized for Lumberjack, Miner, Fashionista and Weapon Dealer, but the rest will always appear first if they can.

- Tweaked the effective level system.


- Increased the amount of EXP that enemies give.

- Slightly increased enemy damage.

- Sending heroes to relax no longer impacts their mood.

- Heroes will now arrive on their next shift, not the next day.

- Training and gathering projects now last 4 hours, not 5.

- Reduced how much recieving a raise does to hero mood.

- Spiders and Spiderlings will now drop a small amount more webs.

- Resource nodes are now more common.

- Projects will now unlock 1 raid earlier than before.

- The Powder Barrel now explodes less often.

Bug Fixes:

- Ventura will no longer say that a hero is furious when she was supposed to talk about armour sets.

- The training popup now actually properly displays how much experience the hero will get.

- The wrong stats were being checked when shopkeepers were moving in.

- Actually fixed the reputation and money hovers.

- Heroes and enemies can no longer use skills while frozen.

- Fixed an extremely rare case where dungeon keys could spawn on the goal chest and softlock the game.

- Fixed a bug where taking an item out of the recipe part of the crafting window would create a bugged recipe.

- Heroes will no longer spam asking for raises.